Rendering and Transformations
Less than 1 minute
Vector Dot Product Applications

Vector Cross Product
Rendering Steps
- Describe our scene: where each object is.
- Transformations
- Homogeneous Coordinates
- Quaternions
- Model our camera: what is it able to see?
- Camera models
- Model the sensing process: what ends up where?
- Intersections / Projection: different rendering algorithms
- Model the light / film interaction: what color is it?
- Shading
Coordinate Systems
- OCS is the Object Coordinate System
- WCS is the World Coordinate System
- VCS is the View Coordinate System
- CCS is the Clipping Coordinate System
- NDCS is the Normalized DCS
- DCS is the Device Coordinate System

Why we need Homogeneous Coordinates?
We have to:
- Represent translation in matrix form
- Apply sequences of transmations efficiently
- Represent perspective in matrix form
And about the cost of transformation, using Homogeneous Coordinates (x, y, z, w) is more efficient than using Cartesian Coordinates (x, y, z).