
Kexuan Zhang

Game Programmer

Computer Graphics & Game Engine Student

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About Me

Hello, I am Kexuan Zhang from China, currently pursuing a Master of Science in High-Performance Graphics and Game Engineering at the University of Leeds. I used to work as a game server development engineer, with expertise in C#, multithreading, network communication, and performance optimization. I have a strong passion for game development; I started exploring Unity3D and Cocos 2D at the age of 13, attempting to design and implement my own games. However, due to insufficient programming skills at that time, I made a commitment to pursue a computer science major in university to strengthen my programming knowledge and prepare myself for a future in the gaming industry.

I am well aware that server-related development is not my most beloved direction. Therefore, I decided to come to the University of Leeds to study computer graphics and game engine-related knowledge, understanding the underlying technical theories and implementation solutions behind game development. I hope to join a AAA game studio, broaden my horizons, learn cutting-edge technologies, and meet more experts in the field.

In my free time, I enjoy singing and coding - indeed, I feel uneasy without coding. I like to experiment with small projects, often porting games or software to my favorite handheld/console platforms or developing and implementing game engines or other tools, savoring the process of building something from scratch. I believe that the purpose of life is to satisfy one's curiosity, continually create, and gain a sense of achievement. Isn't it cool when you've implemented your own game engine?


Shanghai Zihao Information Technology Co., Ltd

Game Server Development Engineer

During my tenure as a game server development engineer, my primary responsibilities included researching the new features of .NET and MongoDB versions, upgrading and stress-testing existing server frameworks, and conducting performance analysis and optimization. In addition to these tasks, I was responsible for developing tools for use by designers or other programmers, such as a skill pipeline configuration editor and an Excel configuration export tool. I also participated in the development of a major project; unfortunately, due to certain factors, the project was terminated, and it never saw the light of day.

Of course, there were also various smaller tasks, including secondary development of JIRA, pipeline development for Jenkins, and development of WeChat mini-programs, among others. Beyond the technical aspects, on the management side, I oversaw the training and learning progress of new graduates and interns, leading them in completing small projects and other related activities.


University of Leeds

Sept 2023 - Present

Master of Science in High-Performance Graphics and Games Engineering

Systematically learn knowledge related to rendering, geometry processing, animation and simulation, scientific computing, high-performance graphics, and game engines.

Jianghan University

Sept 2017 - June 2021

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

Systematically study knowledge in computer organization principles, compiler principles, assembly language, operating systems, data structures and algorithms, programming in C/C++/Java/C#, fundamentals of computer graphics, computer networks, basics of artificial intelligence and data science, and software engineering.



VGFW (V Graphics FrameWork) is a header-only library designed for rapidly creating graphics prototypes.

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VRaytracer is a raytracer written in C++. GUI with ImGui; Multi-threaded rendering; Configurable scenes;

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My toy soft renderer. Cross Platform (Windows, Linux, macOS); Lightweight Implementation; Programmable Shading Pipeline

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A minimal C++ game engine starter project. Cross-Platform: Windows, macOS, Linux, ARM Linux (Raspberry Pi), Emscripten (WASM) and Modern Android. Minimal & Popular Dependencies: Only spdlog, glad, imgui, glfw, sdl2. For Android, we need GameActivity and EGL. And more features!

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GameBoy verion of CatMario. Made with GB Studio. You can play it online at or by GameBoy emlators.

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The classic game remake. Build for GameShell. Made with LÖVE 11.1. In my childhood, my friends and I love play this game (it was a popular Flash game). So I decided to remake it.

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Optimized version of PlanetChaos. Pixel art. I'm the leader programmer and project manager of it.

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A game like Worms, made with Unity 2019.4f1(LTS) by GeniusGameStudio. It's a group project during my intership. I'm the leader programmer and project manager of it.

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